Garden Glow Up

A 1 month garden intensive for women who want to give their garden and mood a glow up.

A Garden Glow Up is for you if:

  • This is for you if you want to get your hands dirty as you add more colour and life to your green space and experience the joy of being in the garden.

  • But you don’t know where to start, you feel like you don’t have the knowledge or skills and you second guess yourself at every opportunity.

  • You haven’t ever been shown how to garden and it feels like a whole new language that you need to learn.

  • You know you want to add more colour but you don’t have a clear picture in your mind so you don’t do anything about it and nothing ever changes. 

  • You want to avoid costly mistakes, and you’d love some guidance on the design and types of plants you need.

When you get out in your green space regularly:

  • Your garden becomes a source of joy.

  • You develop a ritual for yourself that will help you reduce your stress levels and quiet that very busy brain of yours. 

  • You’ll be taking regular time for you as you tend your plants, reconnect with your intuition, grow your garden confidence and show the world that you matter too!

How it works

  1. Pay for your Glow Up using the button below.

  2. I’ll send you a link to book in for your first session and some questions so I can get to know your garden.

  3. Choose a time that suits you and answer the questions.

  4. Send me photos and a hand drawn plan of your garden ahead of our session (something super simple is best).

  5. We’ll start with a 60 minute garden audit- Identify the plants you’ve currently got growing and decide if they’re a ‘must keep’ or a ‘must go’.

  6. In between sessions you’ll start to remove the plants you want gone with support via Voxer from me.

  7. In our second 60 minute session we’ll decide what plants to add to your space to bring that bold and beautiful colour and create a space that makes you feel excited to be in it.

  8. You’ll take your plant list to your local garden centre and purchase your plants! Yes, plant shopping!

  9. In our final 30 minute session I’ll guide you through how to plant the things you’ve bought to make sure they have the best start in your garden so they’ll be looking good for years to come.

Take regular time for you in the garden as you transform it from bland to bold and brightly coloured with my support for just £795.

“Kendall has helped me change my attitude towards gardening. Not only has she given me an extra room in our house but she’s made me feel better mentally and helped me to enjoy something I thought I couldn’t do.”

— Francesca, Business owner and Mum of 4

Dopamine dressing for your garden!


Dopamine dressing for your garden! *